Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Beginnings

My oh my, how the months have flown since we have last updated our lives. Friends have gotten married, babies have been born, perspectives and ideals have been evolved, dinners have been shared, and love has somehow grown. Spectacular, marvelous.

I've also written a few more short stories and have been able to take a few classes and workshops to help shape my writing. And though, lately, it's been eating up most of my evening and weekend hours (Julian and Ranger are not delighted about that), it's been a wonderful affair, thus far.

Today I awoke from a nap and found words forming into sentences forming into a paragraph in my head. And then I thought of a title. Julian, gracious soul, brought me my computer, as I claimed I didn't want to lose it (though he probably suspects my laziness played a part). I wondered if you might like to see a snippet, dear reader.

Who am I? Who do you think I am?

            I am a woman, a woman who is a wife, a daughter, a friend, and I am a follower of Christ. I suppose the latter should be the first, if I am to be a good disciple, or any disciple at all, really. See, there’s a cost to seeking out God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit: He, They, must come first. It’s a price that may seem considerable; it is a lot to give. And yet, when I think about who God is, the small bits I’ve learned about the goodness of His character; who Jesus is, the way He loves so completely, calls us friend; who the Holy Spirit is, how it shifts on the wind and catches up my spirit within its own, makes me say “yes!”; when I consider those elements, the cost does not seem high enough.
            In this way, my life is ruled by love, being the greatest of Christ’s commands. Love God, love your neighbor, a simple phrase, a complex task to live out. This kind of love sustains, this kind of love cannot be contained or controlled. It makes a person scream Hallelujah!; it makes them fall to their knees.
            It’s where I am now, knees creaking, though they are not quite old enough for that.

Perhaps this will be the start of something new and wondrous, and possibly better, although who really knows. 

And now we will return to a night of reading and writing and cream soda. Hurrah! 

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